Golden Rule
First and foremost all PHX Fray leagues are 50% Social and 50% Sport. We do have officials; however, we expect individuals to respect the league’s culture of fair and fun play. Foul language and rough play will not be tolerated and individuals who cannot adhere to our standards of fair play and sportsmanship may be asked to leave the league. PHX Fray wants everyone to have a fun and be social while enjoying a great sport. PHX Fray will do whatever they can to make sure all players are having fun.
The Game
Co-Ed Volleyball is made up of two (2) teams of six (6) players each, with three (3) men and three (3) women on the court for each team.
Exception for Competitive nights where teams will have four (4) players on the court.
A best-of-3 format will be used for all matches. Generally, USVBA rules will be used.
PHX Fray is proud to relieve captains of the burden of paying for full teams. While captains and players are able to prepay for additional players and or full teams, it is not a requirement for participation in our leagues. We welcome individual player payments.
We are also proud to welcome those who do not have a full team (small groups and free agents) to participate in our league.
Our primary mission is to make it easier for people to have fun and get involved with social sports and these policies help accomplish that goal.
Because of these policies, all registrations are on a first come first serve basis and any roster that does not reach our standard size (based on each sport) is eligible to receive free agents and or small group by the league. Rosters made up of primarily free agents and or a collection of small groups may field more players than the standard roster size. This policy is in place to help ensure free agent teams are able to consistently field teams each week.
- All players must be at least 21 years of age prior to participating in any Match and must be registered and in good standing with PHX Fray Volleyball (herein: the “League”).
- Rosters must include no fewer than nine (9) players (minimum of 3 women)
- Competitive nights will be required to have six (6) players, consisting of a minimum of two (2) women, but may have as many players on the roster as a team chooses with no other restrictions.
- If a team of “free agent” registrations is assembled by the League, it will have no more than twelve (12) players.
- Teams play with 3 females and 3 men on the court for 6v6 leagues. 2 females and 2 men for 4v4 leagues.
- Each team may have six (6) players (exception for Athletic Leagues where is this 4 players) on the court at one time.
- For 6v6 – If a team has two (2) women present, it may play with three (3) men and two (2) women on the court.
- For 4v4 games if a team has one (1) woman present it may play with two (2) men and one (1) woman on the court.
- As long as two (2) members of the team are present during the regular season, a team may use substitute players who are registered and in good standing with the league to field a full team.During the playoffs, teams may only use players on their roster.
Game Personnel and Their Duties
- Teams and players are responsible for calling their own faults during play.
- Teams may be asked to provide one (1) referee for games before or after their own match to act as a referee (there will be a schedule). Referees will be the official timekeepers.
- Referees’ will be positioned, during game play, at the center line.
- Referees’ primary responsibilities are to serve as an arbitrator for difficult calls, start and maintain game flow, ensure the safety of all participants and spectators, and enforce the Sportsmanship Code. It is the PLAYER’S’ responsibility to identify faults when they occur.
- League officials have the authority to eject anyone before, during and immediately after any match if they feel it is warranted.
- All decisions made by referees are final.
Code of Sportsmanship
- Volleyball is a self-regulated game that relies on the Honor System. If a fault occurs, you are expected to call it as such.
- Referees are there to rule on unclear plays, settle disputes, keep the game moving and ensure player safety. While they will at times call a fault, a lack of a call by a Referee does not remove your obligation to abide by the Honor System.
- Players must treat their fellow volleyball players, referees and spectators with respect and courtesy. Personal and malicious remarks directed at anybody in the volleyball community, obscene or otherwise, at any time, have no place in the League.
- Players must respect the authority of the referees to regulate the game and abide by their decisions. Referees’ decisions are final.
- Team captains must be the only players that address concerns to referees and league officials. They are expected to do so in a courteous and respectful manner, and to confine their discussions to interpretations of the rules and not challenge referees’ decisions regarding judgment.
- Players are expected to comply with the intent and spirit of the rules. Deliberately attempting to violate the rules is unacceptable.
- Teammates rely on players attending the games. If you fail to attend at least 3 games with no excuse, you may be replaced on the roster if both the captain and league management agree that it is best for your team.
Game Procedures
Game Start, Ending and Timing
- The Referee or league host will have a game of Rock,Paper, Scissors with the team Captains to determine the choice of serving first or choosing a side for the first game.
- Teams will switch sides for the second game and the team who did not serve to start the first game shall serve to start the second game.
- A 45-minute time limit will be placed on all games. If time expires in the middle of a game, the team with the most points will be declared the winner of that game. If less than a two (2) point difference exists between scores the referee or league host will set a cap and the teams will play to that point.
- Teams will forfeit one (1) game for every ten (10) minutes past the designated start time that they do not have the legal amount of players.
- If a team does not have the minimum number of players present 10 minutes after the designated start time, the entire match will be forfeited and the team that is present will be declared the winner.
- If you know in advance that your team is going to need to forfeit a game, we require 24-hour notice of forfeits. We will do everything that we can to reschedule your game, but this does not mean that your team will not receive the loss as a forfeit if we cannot accommodate your needs.
- Playoff Eligibility: teams that notch more than two (2) forfeits in one (1) regular season will not be eligible for the playoffs.
- A game ball will be provided by PHX Fray. Teams may use their own ball if both teams agree to use it.
- Players must wear athletic, closed-toe shoes (For Indoor Courts).
- Players must wear the t-shirts provided by PHX Fray at all times during League play.
Match Format
Matches will be played as a best-of-3 format.
- Rec Scoring: Games will be played to 21 points with a cap of 25 points. A team must win by 2 unless both teams are tied with 25 points. Rally Scoring will be used.
- The third game will be played to 15 points with a cap of 18 points. A team must win by 2 unless both teams are tied with 15 points. Rally Scoring will be used.
- Scores should be called out loudly before each serve.
Gender Rule
- For 6v6 there must be at least 2 women on the court at all times.
- For 4v4 there must be at least 1 woman on the court at all times
- For gender specific leagues those are closed to only that designated gender (i.e. Women’s)
- Teams are allowed an unlimited number of substitutions per match.
- Team members must rotate on the court and remain in that position until the serve has been contacted.
- The player in the back right-hand corner of the rotation will be designated to serve and continue to rotate clockwise.
- Any player may block or spike at the net, regardless of rotation.
- Overhand and underhand serves are allowed. Jump serves are not allowed.
- When serving the ball, the player has 5 seconds to make contact with the ball before a side-out is called.
- If the ball is served into the net, if it goes over, it is considered a legal serve.
- The serve can be returned with a pass or a set. The serve cannot be blocked or attacked at any time.
- The serve can be made from anywhere behind the end line and within the sideline.
- A server may not step over the end line until the ball has been contacted.
Playing Rules and Faults
- A maximum of three consecutive contacts per side after a serve or block attempt are allowed to return the ball.
- A block attempt is not considered a contact.
- No player may hit the ball twice in succession, except after a block.
- No part of the body may touch the net at any time unless a ball or person driven into the net causes the contact.
- Player contact with the net in a manner not directly relating to or affecting the course of play is not a violation.
- Contact with hair or part of the uniform will not be considered a fault.
- When executing a block or spike, a player may follow through over the net, as long as the individual does not interfere with players on the other side of the net.
- Out of bounds is the area outside the designated court line. The line is IN bounds.
Liability Rules
- Alcohol is not permitted inside the volleyball facility, on the grounds, or any place where prohibited by area rules. Players caught with alcohol will be REMOVED FROM THE LEAGUE WITHOUT REFUND. Our permits are too valuable to risk!
- If League officials have reason to believe a player is too intoxicated to play, that player will be ejected.
- League Management reserves the right to suspend or expel any player from the league for any reason without refund.